Hair Restoration

Looking for a natural solution to address hair loss? Our Hair Restoration Injections offer a breakthrough approach that goes beyond temporary fixes. This treatment targets the root cause by stimulating scalp cell activity, promoting the growth of new hairs within each follicle. The result? A fuller, natural-looking head of hair with increased density, covering areas of thinning and baldness.

Hair restoration Benefits

Microneedling with PRF/Exosomes/allograft injection creates controlled micro-injuries in the scalp, triggering the body's healing response and stimulating hair follicles.

PRF contains a concentration of platelets, white blood cells, fibrin (a clotting protein), and mesenchymal stem cells, all found in your blood. PRF’s growth factors promote tissue repair and healing, reduce inflammation and pain, and stimulate hair growth.

Exosomes are small, nanometer-sized vesicles that play a critical role in cellular communication and regulating biological processes within the human body. Exosomes secreted from stem cells demonstrate potent regenerative / repair properties when applied to damaged or wounded tissue. Exosomes are critical in maintaining tissue homeostasis by regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. By transmitting growth factors, cytokines, and other biologically important molecules, exosomes help coordinate cell activities and maintain normal tissue function. In aesthetics, cell turnover, repair, and rejuvenation are critical in anti-aging treatments. Exosomes contain twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation.

Treatment options

  1. PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin)

  2. Exosomes

  3. Allograft